‘There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.’ – Michelle Obama
It is an honor and privilege to be a part of this amazing organization—WETA. As a President, I will make sure to offer my service with all my might and effort. A woman is very powerful and is the best architect of the society we live in. I strongly believe that given an opportunity, they have the potential to revolutionize the world. Women have been very successful in various professional careers, all while managing their personal life and family. However, there is an inherit limitation of our culture—set boundaries for women and girls which are often defined by their family or by the society. When women and girls overcome this limitation following their passion and to fulfill their dreams, they could face several other challenges—gender bias, domestic abuse, sexual assault, etc., which affect their morale and have always troubled me to the core. These challenges that a woman faces in every walk of her life reflect our failure. It is high time that we all join hands together as a team and show them our support. I am proud to lead a team that promotes women empowerment so that any woman can speak her heart out, dare to dream, and achieve her goals.
I started WETA not only to explore ways to address these issues that today’s women encounter, but also to motivate other women to follow their passion and have a professional and independent life of their own if desired. Over the years, I helped several women in pursuing their dreams, stood by them in the best way I can, and will continue to do so. I put every effort to motivate women to break the social barriers and empowered them to live in their dreams. While this brings immense happiness to me, I genuinely believe there is still a long way to go ahead of an unbiased society where women are given the same respect, dignity and honor as men.
I am sure there are several people globally who share and understand my views. To all those, I invite you all to join us here at WETA to empower women globally and to hold the hands of those who are in need. I promise that together we will create a beautiful world for our younger generations where ‘she’ will be no less than ‘he.’
Finally, I would like to thank all my current and future team members for standing with me to launch WETA—a women organization that will bring a real change in the world.
Yours Sincerely
Hanumandla Jhansi Reddy
Advisory Chair & President, WETA