

Ever wanted to create a custom timeline of your achievements or highlight features, process in creative way?
This has never been easier! We’ve created timeline of Steve Job’s life for your review below.

1955-1985 Youth & Apple's early years

24 Feb 1955

Steven Paul was born in San Francisco, the son of Abdulfattah and Joanne. He is adopted by Jobs Family


Steve Jobs meets Steve Wozniak, 5 years older, through a mutual friend. Woz and Steve share a love of electronics, Bob Dylan, and pranks

1 Apr 1976

Apple Computer Inc. is incorporated by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne

Spring 1976

Steve and Woz start assembling Apple I computers in the Jobses’ garage, and sell them to computer hobbyists, including 50 for the Byte Shop

Feb 1982

A portrait of Steve Jobs ends up on the cover of Time Magazine, under the title ‘Striking it Rich’.

8 Apr 1983

PepsiCo CEO John Sculley becomes Apple’s CEO after having been wooed by Steve Jobs for several months

24 Jan 1984

Macintosh is launched in great fanfare at Apple’s annual shareholder meeting

17 Sep 1985

Steve Jobs resigns from Apple and starts NeXT with five other refugees from Apple.
1986-1996 NeXT Pixar & wilderness

30 Jan 1986

Jobs buys the computer division of George Lucas’ ILM for $10 million and incorporates it as Pixar.

12 Oct 1988

Steve Jobs introduces the NeXT Cube in San Francisco to great critical acclaim, pitching it as a workstation for higher education

Apr 1989

Steve Jobs is named ‘Entrepreneur of the decade’ by Inc. magazine

18 Mar 1991

Steve Jobs marries Laurene Powell in Yosemite under the blessing of Steve’s old zen guru Kobin Chino. Laurene is already pregnant

Early 1996

Steve Jobs negotiates a breakthrough deal between Pixar and Disney with its CEO Michael Eisner. The deal includes landmark rights for a studio, such as equal billing

Dec 1996

Apple, which was desperately looking for a modern operating system to buy, eventually buys NeXT for $400 million. Steve Jobs is named “informal adviser” to Apple CEO Gil Amelio
1997-2004 Rebuilding Apple

Jul 1997

Gil Amelio is ousted by the Apple Board of directors after a disastrous quarter. Steve Jobs is named interim CEO in his place and installs his NeXT executive team at the top of Apple

Jul 1997

Gil Amelio is ousted by the Apple Board of directors after a disastrous quarter. Steve Jobs is named interim CEO in his place and installs his NeXT executive team at the top of Apple

6 Aug 1997

Steve Jobs introduces Apple’s new board of directors and a truce with Microsoft at Macworld Boston

Fall 1997

Apple starts its ‘Think Different’ campaign to restore its damaged brand image. The new slogan will quickly enter popular culture and define the company for the next five years

5 Jan 1999

Steve Jobs introduces the new Power Mac G3 and the color iMacs at Macworld San Francisco

April 1999

Pirates of Silicon Valley, a TV movie starring Noah Wyle as young Steve Jobs, airs

5 Jan 2000

At Macworld San Francisco, Steve Jobs drops the ‘interim’ in his title and officially becomes Apple’s CEO.

19 May 2001

Apple opens its first Retail Stores in Tysons Corner, Virginia and Glendale, California

23 Oct 2001

After an 8-month crash development program, Steve Jobs unveils iPod at a small media event on the company’s campus. He has no idea how it will tranform Apple

28 Apr 2003

Apple opens the revolutionary online iTunes Music Store in the US, after negotiating landmark deals with all major music labels

30 May 2003

Opening day of Finding Nemo, Pixar’s first Best Animated Feature Academy Award winner

23 Jun 2003

Steve Jobs unveils the Power Mac G5, the world’s fastest computer, at WWDC

Fall 2003

Steve Jobs is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but stubbornly refuses any modern medical treatment for months. He tries alternative diets instead

6 Jan 2004

Steve unveils the iPod mini and the iLife suite at Macworld. The iPod mini will soon become the world’s best-selling MP3 player and truly establish Apple as a consumer electronics powerhouse

Aug 2004

Steve Jobs finally has his pancreatic tumor removed by surgery
2005-2011 The Big Apple

12 Jun 2005

Steve Jobs makes a memorable commencement speech at Stanford University. History will remember its closing remarks, Steve’s advice to the young students:

‘Stay hungry, stay foolish’

24 Jan 2006

The Walt Disney Company acquires Pixar for $7.4 billion. Pixar’s largest shareholder Steve Jobs joins the Disney board while Ed Catmull becomes president of the Walt Disney Animation Studios, and John Lasseter its chief creative officer

9 Jan 2007

In his most memorable keynote presentation ever, at Macworld 2007, Steve Jobs introduces iPhone and its revolutionary touch-screen interface.

15 Jan 2008

At Macworld 2008, Steve Jobs introduces MacBook Air, with the tagline ‘the world’s thinnest notebook’. Three years later, it will come to redefine all of Apple’s notebook product line

Apr 2009

Steve receives a liver transplant at the Methodist University Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. He was weeks away from dying when he got the surgery

9 Sep 2009

Back at Apple, Steve Jobs makes the first public appearance after his transplant to introduce new iPods at the ‘It’s Only Rock’N’Roll’ event

27 Jan 2010

After months of wild rumors, Steve Jobs unveils iPad, ‘the biggest thing Apple’s ever done’. The tablet runs the same operating system as iPhone

24 Aug 2011

Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple, with the words

‘I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.’

5 Oct 2011

Steve Jobs dies at home, surrounded by his family

